Strong brands correlate with superior business performance. Since 2007 the stock market performance of the Brand Finance Global 500 has outperformed the S&P 500 by a factor of 22%. Notably, the “Brand” firms had higher returns, did not go as low and recovered faster from a downturn. Data shows strong brands and financially strong companies are not only closely correlated, companies with a strong brand have better financial performance.

Many companies, specifically in the B2B sector, have failed to recognize how building a strong brand can positively impact their business results. They may know that there is a disconnect between what their market believes about them and what they want the market to know, but haven’t fully appreciated how working on their brand will resolve this challenge.

Call now to schedule a free gap analysis

Would you like to know if you brand is doing the heavy lifting it’s capable of? Call us now and we’ll work with you to review your brand assets and determine their contribution to your bottom line.

We designed our services to specifically address your business results.
They are routes to your sustained prosperity.

Why You?

The organizational value proposition communicates the value a company provides at the highest level. Every firm should understand its overall value prop before creating product-specific ones. Let us help you develop your organizational value proposition and your product and service value props from there.

Why Them?

We ensure you understand who your audience is as humans rather than targets. We identify the emotional descriptors of your optimal target audience. Defining these descriptors will help to strengthen your brand’s effectiveness. We are ready to help you identify these.


Brands with clarity of the organization’s purpose financially outperform those with no stated purpose. We help clients define the organization’s purpose beyond (but not to the exclusion of) financial metrics. Call us to begin work on identifying your purpose.

Survival Communications

Crisis happens. It’s how you respond that will make or break your reputation with employees and clients. We’re experts in effectively managing any crisis your organization may experience from CEO missteps to natural disasters and financial upsets.

Brand Narrative

Stories stimulate memory, and brands win when you capture memory real estate in the hearts and minds of your target audience. Your Brand Narrative tells your organization’s story in a way that the market understands exactly what you intended. We write stories humans connect with.

Brand Character

Let’s build your brand’s character. Character is the set of human attributes associated with a brand that give it a unique personality and recognition in the market and minds of its audience. Brand Character creates an emotional connection for your audience with its purpose, values and unique selling proposition.

Brand Strategy

We create a plan to meet your business goals that can be achieved via a consistent and purposeful long-term building of your brand.

Brand Architecture

How are the brands within your company related to and differentiated from one another? We think through future implications of an architecture and build the structure for brands, product names and service lines for optimum brand extension.

Metrics & Measurement

Brands can and should be held accountable for the prosperity of the organization. We identify and recommend fit for purpose measurement tools like Brand Valuation, Net Promotor Scores, and Brand Equity, which drive revenues, profits, share price, attraction and retention.

Marketing Strategy

We ensure your market understands you the way you intended to be understood. We identify priority channels, messages and sequencing based on your business strategy. Let us help you ensure your marketing tactics are aligned with a strategy that produces business results.

Internal Communications

Your internal communications need to be effective for your external comms to be authentic. We help employees successfully translate your organization’s value to customers so that they positively impact your business.

Brand Command

In many cases your marketing team is a team of ONE (you) and the brand team is a team of ZERO. Wouldn’t it be nice if you had a brand and marketing expert on speed-dial? We’ve designed this membership just for you! Our team will help you get in control of your brand & marketing as well as your career via short weekly sessions. More!

Love What You Do

CONTACT US TODAY! 1-832-643-9458